How much will it cost me?
How much will it cost?
Monthly Co-Own Rent Amount
This is an estimated monthly Co-Own rent amount. This sum would be payable to Co-Ownership.
Monthly Mortgage Amount
This is an estimated monthly mortgage amount and is not linked to a specific lender. This sum would be payable to the mortgage lender.
Total Monthly Repayments with Co-Own
Estimated monthly Co-Own rent plus estimated monthly mortgage repayment.
Compared to monthly mortgage repayments without Co-Own:
This calculator is a tool for you if you hope to buy a home through Co-Ownership. It is not an Approval in Principle. The results are only a guide as we have had to make a few assumptions, such as that your mortgage interest rate and Co-Ownership rent will stay the same over the term of years you have chosen. We recommend you get your own quotes direct from your mortgage lender before you commit yourself to any mortgage. All Co-Own applications are subject to terms and conditions and full assessment.