
Before making a complaint please ensure that you have read our complaints policy.


Co-Ownership is committed to being a leader in customer service and in order to achieve our goal of providing excellent customer service we need to hear when our delivery has let customers down and to learn from that feedback.

This page is intended to explain how this will work.

Definition of a Complaint

A complaint is defined as any expression of dissatisfaction with our service regardless of how Co-Ownership becomes aware of this e.g. a comment on social media or a formal letter. All need to be addressed to the customer’s satisfaction.

A complaint can be raised by anyone who is dissatisfied with Co-Ownership whether that be a decision we’ve made or an issue with our service delivery. It relates to any of our products – Co-Own, Co-Own for Over 55s or Rent to Own.

Please be aware that if someone else is complaining on your behalf, in order to discuss your case with them we need your permission.

Complaint Resolution

Crucial to our approach to resolving complaints is to deal with these where possible at the first point of contact i.e. the first person who interacts with the customer about the issue.

All customer facing staff have received training in handling customer complaints and in the first instance, we will endeavour to resolve complaints informally.

How to Make a Complaint

Complaints can be made in the following ways:

  • Via our online complaint form on our website
  • On the telephone
  • In person
  • In writing (via letter or email)

In terms of reporting we will only record formal complaints where we’ve been unable to resolve these informally.

Complaints Process

  1. We will endeavour to resolve your complaint at the first point of contact informally. Should you not be satisfied with this then the formal complaints procedure will be followed.
  2. The manager responsible for the area that your complaint relates to will review your complaint fully considering the information you have shared and our own records. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 2 working days and you will receive a full response within 20 working days. If for any reason we cannot respond within 20 days we will let you know.
  3. If you remain unhappy with our review of your complaint you can request that it is reviewed by a Director of Co-Ownership. If you wish to do this you should let us know within 20 days of our response to you. As above we will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 2 working days and you will receive a full response within 20 working days. If for any reason we cannot respond within 20 days we will let you know.
  4. If after this review you are not satisfied then your complaint can be escalated by you to the Ombudsman (the Commissioner for Complaints). They will only consider your complaint when you have exhausted the Co-Ownership internal complaints process are outlined above in Stages 1-3 and will normally only consider complaints from Co-Ownership or Rent to Own customers (including applicants). Your complaint must be made within 6 months of our response to Stage 3.

The Ombudsman is an independent body and we will cooperate fully with them.

Northern Ireland Public Service Ombudsman
Progressive House
33, Wellington Place


We will respect your confidentiality in dealing with your complaint. We will only use your name where it is needed to resolve the issue.

Anonymous complaints will be reviewed but are difficult to investigate or resolve effectively and will therefore not be recorded as a complaint.

We will analyse complaints and use this information to improve our service.

To make a complaint please click here
