
Wondering if your development is suitable for Co-Ownership and how we can help you?

Most new build and existing properties that are in good condition will meet our property requirements, however a full list of these can be found here for Co-Own,Co-Own for Over 55s and Rent to Own. We can purchase properties up to a maximum value of £195,000. We hope you see the benefit in partnering with Co-Ownership to sell your properties to potential home owners. We’d like to be involved with this as much as possible and offer a range of services that can help you:

  • Our Business Development team can come to open day events and show houses to talk to your customers about Co-Ownership
  • We can provide you with a range of marketing material to display in your offices and show houses
  • We can work with you to develop bespoke joint advertising to promote your properties and Co-Ownership.

Click here to get in contact with us.

The difference with Rent to Own

We’ve developed a guide to explain how the Rent to Own purchase process works. It’s a little different from Co-Own as Co-Ownership are buying the property, however it will likely be our potential tenant that you will meet. Legally, we just need to make sure that the right decisions are made by the right party. Remember that Rent to Own allows you to sell more properties within your development as it attracts those who cannot currently get a mortgage.

Keeping in touch

We’d like to keep in touch with any developments or changes to Co-Own, Co-Own for Over 55s or Rent to Own. If you’d like to be kept up to date, please sign up for our newsletter below.
