Reports & Corporate Information

Find out more about Co-Ownership in our Annual Report and the plans we have in place for the coming years.

The rules of Co-Ownership can be found by clicking here

Corporate Plans

Details of  the 2024 – 2027 Corporate Plan can be found by clicking the link below:

Previous Corporate Plans


Annual Reports

Details of the most recent Co-Ownership Annual General Report can be found below:

Previous AGM Reports


Equality Scheme & Reports

Equality Reports

At Co-Ownership we are committed to working in ways that demonstrate our values which include:

  • To act fairly, honestly and with transparent integrity with all our stakeholders
  • To seek to continuously improve our operating systems and our value to our stakeholders
  • To develop our people in order to meet the challenges of change and their own sense of worth
  • To embrace the principles of equality and diversity in the workplace.

Equality Scheme

In 2010, the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland published revised guidance on the implementation of Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, which required revised Equality Schemes from public authorities. Co-Ownership carried out an Audit of inequalities in conjunction with the Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations and used the results from this to produce a new Equality Scheme.

The new scheme was issued for consultation for a twelve week period and the responses received were used to update the scheme. This was submitted to the Equality Commission for consideration on 1 August 2012 and approved on the 19 September 2012.

Since that time, Co-Ownership has continued to evaluate their audit of inequalities and update their action plan related to Section 75 on an annual basis. In 2022, a 5 year review of the Equality Scheme was carried out and submitted it to the Equality Commission, this was approved on 13 September 2022.

You can view our Equality Scheme here.

You can view the policy screenings we carried out during 2023/24 here.

Disability Action Plan

Co-Ownership is committed to effectively implementing its disability duties and disability action plan.
Our action plan reflects the duties placed upon us to comply with Section 49A of the Disability Discrimination (NI) Act 2006.

As an organisation we commit to have due regard to the need:

  • To provide positive attitudes towards disabled people; and
  • To encourage participation by disabled people in public life.

In 2022, Co-Ownership undertook a 5 year review of the Disability Action Plan and submitted it to the Equality Commission, this was approved on 6 April 2022.

You can view our Disability Action Plan here.

Corporate Social Responsibility

A copy of our 2023 Corporate Social Responsibility Report can be found here.

Previous Corporate Social Responsibility Reports

  • 2022 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
  • 2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report


Social Impact Report

A copy of our 2022/23 Social Impact report can be found here or read the highlights here.

Previous Social Impact Reports

Value for Money

Current Value for Money Report

Previous Value for Money Report

Climate and Environmental Reports and Policies

Reports and policies relating to climate change and the environment

Other Reports

Other Reports include
